Current SEO News

Current SEO News

1 Google distrusts Symmantec

Google has announced that it will withdraw trust in Symantec’s security certificates and remove them from the Chrome browser step by step. With a market share of approximately 40 percent, Symantec is the largest issuer of security certificates to date, for example for verifying secured SSL connections.

Google now criticizes Symantec for alleged quality defects and will gradually withdraw confidence in the products from March 2018. Users of the popular chrome browser will then no longer be able to access websites with the affected certificates directly. Webmasters are now encouraged to implement an alternative to Symantec certificates as quickly as possible.

2. large SEO potential in B2B

Growth in organic e-commerce is becoming increasingly costly and complex as competition increases. No B2C retailer today can afford to compete without an SEO strategy. Apart from the mass market, however, the B2B sector still holds great potential for agencies and advertisers, which can be activated with comparatively little effort.

At a conference in Portland, SEO veteran Rand Fishkin gave six tips for successful B2B SEO: “Particularly for topics with low search volumes, high visibility can be achieved if content is specifically developed along the purchase decision process characterized less by price than by offer characteristics. This is how brand-driven multiple rankings can be achieved. The use of high-reach portals such as Quora, Slideshare or Linkedin is also a good way to effectively place highly specialized content.

In addition, it is worth addressing industry-specific multipliers, of which there are often only a few, but which have a comparatively high reach in the target group. However, as always with search engine optimization, the most important thing is staying power.

3. Apple’s Siri now loves Google

Anyone who performs a search on their iPhone with Siri will no longer be referred to Microsoft Bing search results as soon as no voice response from the Apple Language Assistant is available. The company from Cupertino, California, justified the change of the iPhone search provider with the standardization of search technologies between its platforms iPhone (Siri), Mac (Spotlight) and the internal search on iOS. The results displayed will include website links and videos, Apple said. Microsoft’s search engine Bing had served as the standard search engine behind Siri since the launch of the iPhone 4s in 2011.

4. Bing: Links still an important ranking factor

In the beginning was the link. With Google, the age of PageRank, the weighting of a website according to number and quality of its link structure, began in 1997. For many years, a good backlink was the gold standard in the SEO business. Unfortunately, the optimization industry is taking advantage of the manipulation potential of this technology, so that from 2012 search engines began to downgrade the rating of links as a ranking factor and replace it with less manipulable measures such as social signals, clickstream data or engagement data.

But the time of backlinks is far from over. Microsoft now confirmed that with its search engine Bing you have not yet reached the point where you can do without backlinks as a ranking factor. Just as with the competition from Google, outbound links with utility from sites with high authority are indispensable, according to Microsoft.
